
Information for Newcomers

Newcomers such as you are the lifeblood of the SCA. The more people who are members of the SCA, the more fun we all can have. You will find that we are very happy to help any newcomer with any questions. However, it may help if we explain some of the traditions and behaviours expected of everyone within the group at feasts and other events.

Am I Welcome?

The Canton of Burnfield welcomes everyone – and yes, that means you.

Regardless of your age, gender identity, sexuality, religion, cultural background, wealth, education, or anything else, we’d love to get to know you.


Children and teenagers are welcome at all our events, but for safety reasons, they can’t participate in every activity. If you’re not sure, feel free to ask the organiser whether children are welcome – you might be surprised!


Our Child Safety Policy requires that minors be supervised regardless of age, but it is generally understood that levels of supervision may vary depending on the age of the child or teenager. All under-18s must be accompanied to events by a caregiver, whether that is their legal guardian, or someone their legal guardian has nominated to look after them.

If you are LGBTQIA+ or an ally you might be interested in Clan Blue Feather.

What do I need to get started?

It doesn’t take a lot to get started in participating in the SCA world. We have lots of activities that don’t require you to dress in garb (our word for pre 1600’s clothing). It is usually events that require you to be in garb.

Activities that you can participate without any special equipment on the first day include:

You can find out when the next fighter or Arts and Science activity is on our Events page.

While this is only a small list in comparison many of the fields that are available for research within our time period, you will find in St Florian that we have a large number of members who are multi- talented. We encourage newcomers to the group to talk to us about what interests them, and you will find that we are very happy to pass on what knowledge we have. This can either be by chatting to you, suggesting books to read on the topic, or more often, sitting down and showing you an example of the item and helping you to make it.

If you are interested in seeing what we are about, please email our  Seneschal or join us on Facebook.

Download the Lochac Newcomers Handbook PDF

A group of people sitting and standing, wearing medieval clothing

Coming to your first event

So you have seen an upcoming event and not sure what to do next? When attending your first event, there are some basics to help you fit in and feel part of the crowd:

  1. What to wear
  2. What to bring
  3. What to do before and during the event

What to wear

All that is required to wear when attending an event is an attempt at pre-1600’s clothing. That gives you a wide range of periods to choose a clothing style – from ancient Greek, Roman or Celtic, to Viking, Dark Ages, Persian, Mongol through to the Renaissance and everything in between.

You don’t have to commit a style – pick something easy to begin and as you learn more about the SCA and the time periods that interest you the most, you will start to collect the clothes (or ‘garb’ as we call it) that bring you joy. Roman or Greek tunics and togas are easy to make and look great!

If you are looking for inexpensive fabric to make garb, Op-shops are a great resource. Bed sheets can be used as the fabric you sew from.

If you don’t know where to start, our  Seneschal can assist with loan garb for the day.

What to bring

A sense of adventure! The type of event and location will determine what you need to bring. If the event if being held outdoors, bring a chair or picnic blanket. Ideally, if the chair looks modern, bring a blanket or sheet to throw over it to disguise it (remember we are reenacting pre-1600’s). Water and snacks are also handy to have on hand.

If the event has a feast, you will need to bring some basic feast gear of a plate, bowl, cup, cutlery and something to carry it in. Op shops are a treasure trove to find pottery mugs and plates that will give a vintage/period feel.

If you don’t don’t have time to put a basic feasting kit together before the event, our Seneschal can assist with loan gear for the day.

What to do

First thing to do is to register and pay for your entry. The event listing will have details on how to register your interest in going and payment details. In most cases, you will email the event bookings officer with your details and they will email you the amount to pay and the bank details.

It is important to remember to pay before the event, as you may be refused entry if you have not paid when you sign in.

On the day, arrive on or after the event start time. There will be a sign in desk where you will be asked to sign in, and show your SCA membership card. This is for insurance purposes and if you can’t provide you are a current member, then you will need to pay an additional $10 insurance fee for the event.

Once you have signed in, you are free to enter the event and start enjoying yourself. If you are unsure of what to do, you can approach any one there to ask for assistance. You can also let the Seneschal know you will be attending your first event, and they will happily arrange for someone to show you around and settle you in.

Interested in becoming a member?  Click here to join SCA Australia.

Some text taken from Gabriel de Beaumont’s Newcomer Information. Photos by Constanzia Moralez y de Zamora