Contact our officers

Below is the list of our current Canton officers. Click any name to send an email to the selected officer.

  Office Office Holder Since
Canon Lore link Lady Marguerite Chasse (she/her)
In charge of the organisation of the group and any sub-groups
October 2023
  Deputy Seneschal Canon Lore link The Honourable Lady Aelfgifu of Burnfield (she/her) October 2023
Arts and Sciences Minister Lord Basil Sulman
Supports arts, crafts and sciences, and helps people find sources of information and teachers
June 2023
Peter MacAskill of Skye
Handles financial matters for the group
May 2024
Constable Canon Lore link Master Master Captain Wulfric Greycloak (he/him)
In charge of maintaining law & order, and lost property
March 2023